Our Mission
We are a queer men’s volleyball club in London offering a welcoming atmosphere for beginners, and a chance for pros to prove their talents at league matches.
Our Club thrives on the diversity of its membership and we are very proud of the values and strength gained from having a mixed collection of players: predominantly gay and queer, but inclusive of straight - from more than 40 countries.
We offer coached volleyball sessions at all levels. Depending on the level, coaches stress different points to improve on such as technique, positioning, attack, defence, and strategy. Coaches form a vital part of our club both teaching-wise and socially. Learn more about our teams and their different levels.
On Sundays, most teams play non-coached social sets. It’s a great time to play in a more relaxed setting and then hit our local pub.
We host regular open sessions on a weekly, pay-as-you-go basis. They range from complete beginner to intermediate & advanced levels. Check out our Join Us page for more info on how to attend, and keep an eye on our social media.
During the summer time from May to Aug, the club is off-season. On Sundays we head to the park, set up nets and play the entire afternoon. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join, especially prospective members. Learn more about our Summer in the Park.
London Spikers prides itself on not only being a sports club, but also a social club. Many members have met through the club and become life-long friends. We hold parties throughout the year. Follow us on our social media or check out our Event Calendar.
Every autumn we hold our annual LIVE International tournament. Teams from all over come to attend and play. In addition to a day of competing against one another, we throw a pre and after party. It’s a fabulous event that we are especially proud of. Keep an eye on our social media for any LIVE announcements.